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Breaking Through the Barriers of Darkness: Recognizing the Cult of Qigong for What It Is


Chinese people have lived on their vast piece of desolate and pitiful land for thousands of years. People come and go, struggling with survival, producing a complex culture, a culture doomed to fail, a culture lacking the meaning of life. Modern civilization impinges upon Chinese traditional culture relentlessly, exposing its fallacy, fragility and potentialities for misleading. Over the past century, this impingement seems to have been carrying out a significant plan, while millions upon millions of Chinese are still worshipping their fallacious culture, living only in order to meet with the ending of their lives.

During their several thousand of years of history, the Chinese have welcomed into their culture many different religions, which have produced a complex cultural formation. It seems that, compared with other nations, the Chinese are less fortunate for they have incorporated many fallacious religions and cultures, among which are mainly Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Up to today, the Chinese are still struggling helplessly with these cultural elements, taking them to be their precious traditional assets handed down from their ancestors. However, in fact, it is exactly these false religious cultures that have brought the Chinese incessant calamities.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, traditional religions seem to have died out, and it also seems that most Chinese believe in Communist atheism (this is also a religious belief). They think they have found out that the world is without any answers or any reasons. Everything comes out of coincidence, and the only meaning of life is to maintain biological life and to set up the communist system.

But since the 1980s, China has made a new beginning unlike anything in previous Chinese history. A brand new era has begun its prelude. The characteristics of this period are as follows:

1. A religion that was to last only briefly in Chinese history--Communism began to decline in people's hearts. For decades it had shown itself to people for what it is. Very soon, Chinese traditional religions spread all over China, taking the country areas as a beachhead. The revival of Confucianism and Buddhism seemed to satisfy the unquenchable thirst of people who had just traversed the desert of atheism. People dug out the long-buried traditional religions to meet the needs of their souls, for they indeed could not live on without any beliefs.

2. Western culture swept over China with an irresistible force. This phenomenon is well known as "peaceful transformation." This attack by the Western culture took mainly the following three forms:

a. Western science and technology and all kinds of utilities they produce made converts of almost all the Chinese. Science became the idol to worship for many of them. Humanity had been distorted during the ages of fallacy and falsehood, but now science displayed its absolutely countable truthfulness and brought practical benefits and a trustworthy sense of reality. People did not have to hope for a wonderful future while starving now. They could enjoy all the benefits that science had brought them today. During this period of time, scientists began to be deeply respected and trusted.

b. Western political philosophy awakened all Chinese intellectuals so that they now saw a directing light after the long, dark night. All sensible intellectuals and the wise excitedly studied the Western political system, which had been described as a horrible, legendary thing. They started to dream of a beautiful future night and day. Then at last they could not keep themselves calm and carried out an immature yet heroically magnificent plan, the failure of which is seen by the whole world.

c. Christianity entered into China quietly. It seemed that not many people noticed the fact that Christianity, as the foundation of Western culture, was reaching every part of China. When someone heard about Jesus, he or she would realize there were actually a lot of people around him who had already accepted Jesus. It was after satisfying their material needs that people started to find out that their spiritual satisfaction did not come as expected. Spiritual emptiness tortured many Chinese. With various purposes, many Westerners (mainly Americans) came to China and spread Christian culture--either consciously or not. At the same time, the local Chinese Christian churches, which had been quiet for almost half a century, shook loose the heavy shackles on them, sent forth their resonant voices, and played a major part in Chinese evangelization. Morning twilight had at last broken through the long night's darkness. People gladly accepted biblical teachings and quickly spread the Good News with incredible enthusiasm among their relatives and friends. Everyone was surprised to realize what was happening. Christian evangelization in China had become an irresistible blazing force and a surging new cultural trend that was to engender a fundamental change in China.

3. The appearance of the special new religion, qigong. As a new phenomenon of special attraction during this period, qigong played quite an influential part in China and caught the attention of thousands upon thousands of people. Many "mystical" legends and personnel emerged. The source of qigong is rooted in very ancient times, but the term "qigong" is a new invention and takes with it as much modern scientific coloring as possible. It can be said that qigong has its source in traditional religions but its labeling in science. It has attracted a lot of people with its mystical characteristic: "Tao is in the non-existence and existence of god." It has even found its way to the West.

I am a Christian who practiced qigong for many years. My experience with it reached to great depths and led me to comprehensive studies of its theory and practices, as well as to my acquaintance with all its related religions such as Taoism, Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, yoga and also astrology, martial arts and Chinese medicine. My experience with qigong also led me to practice to various extents of all the above religions. I have been an atheist, a theist, a devout qigong disciple, and finally a Christian. The process has been long and at one point seemed endless, but it is now past. I congratulate myself on accepting Jesus while I am still young. I also rejoice that, though life is short, I have found the meaning of life before life ends for me.

After I became a Christian and recognized the essence of qigong for what it is, I told many friends who practiced qigong about the dangers of practicing qigong. Many have given it up and become Christians. There are thousands upon thousands of qigong disciples in China. I sincerely hope that they can also come out of the valley of the shadow of death, enter into the true meaning of life, and learn what the true human values are. It is also my hope that Christians would get a clear understanding of the essence of qigong in order to know how to share the gospel with qigong disciples and with people who have dealings with evil spirits and also learn how to pray for them. Once we know not only what Christians are but also what qigong disciples are, we can be successful in defeating the evil spirits and thus become able to rescue more lost souls.

I'd like to have a prayer before we start this book:

Dear Heavenly Father, may you rescue all the qigong disciples and all those who have dealings with evil spirits. May you forgive their many sins and let them know what dangerous and horrible lives they are leading. May you open their eyes to Yourself and enable them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. May they begin their new lives, which will be abundant and eternal.

In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen!


Table of Contents | Chapter 1

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